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Category Order could not understand your category HTML. Please do the following:

  • Disable all plugins except for category order to see if some other plugin is causing the problem. If the problem goes away, re-enable each plugin until you find the incompatible one.
  • Try switching to a different theme, like the WordPress default theme.

Once you have tried the above steps, email david@coppit.org with the results of these debugging steps. Also include the following information:

Original HTML:
<li class="cat-item cat-item-16"><a href="http://daisuki.weblike.jp/npo/info-cat/press-release/" >プレスリリース</a>

Processed HTML:
<li class="cat-item cat-item-16"><a href="http://daisuki.weblike.jp/npo/info-cat/press-release/" >プレスリリース</a>

Category pattern:

    [0] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-16"><a href="http://daisuki.weblike.jp/npo/info-cat/press-release/" >プレスリリース</a> </li>

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